Spectra Symbol Potentiometers are in Some of the Most Cutting-Edge Product Technologies

Image of engineers developing position sensing technology for the automotive industry

Examples of Technologies Where You Can Find Our Sensors

Spectra Symbol trangle logo as a bullet point
Satellites & Communications Devices
Spectra Symbol trangle logo as a bullet point
Bomb-Disposal Robots
Spectra Symbol trangle logo as a bullet point
Ventilation Hoods, Doors & Openings
Spectra Symbol trangle logo as a bullet point
Manufacturing Robots & Actuator Trackin
Spectra Symbol trangle logo as a bullet point
Consumer Gadgets & Cell-Phones
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Surgical Devices, Medical & Dental Equipment
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Liquid-Level Sensing (water, oil, gas, chemicals, etc)
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Human Biometrics & Joint Mobility Tracking
Spectra Symbol trangle logo as a bullet point
Vending Machines & Various Autonomous Machines

What New Technological Application Can We Build With You Today?

The Products our Customers Partner With Us to Create Drive the Cutting Edge Within Their Technologies. Innovate With Us!

Control With Our Potentiometers vs Feedback & Position Sensing

The versatility of our potentiometers can not be understated from a form-factor perspective.
But also from an application perspective.
The ability to use our pots as control devices OR as tracking & position sensing devices, and to do BOTH with extremely high accuracy and mechanical reliability continues to set us apart from competitors year after year.
Now with new digital calibration circuitry available to pair with the membrane potentiometers, accuraccy is now achievable to fractions of a percent linearity.
From a reliability standpoint our materials can withstand over a million passes of the plunger/wiper, or similar contact.
Whatever the intended application, Spectra Symbol sensors can fit where you need them to, do what you need them to, and do so very accurately for a very long time... and at incredible price points.
Photo of a plunger or wiper being recommended to use to actuate a HotPot position sensor

Need More Technical Details? Get the Spec Sheet PDF Here!


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